Investment Proposal
Project descriptions goes here as a paragraph
- Date: April 2023
- Project Type: Complete new build
About this Project
Hallmark Construction & Development is seeking an Investment Partner to fund sites that require planning permission. The sites will be purchased through a legal Option or Joint Venture agreement with the land owner.
It is proposed that a joint company is formed to undertake the developments with a percentage split of shares/profit.
Hallmark Construction & Development:
– undertake the site finding process and negotiate agreement to purchase
– undertake a development feasibility and appraisal for presentation to Investor
– set up purchase agreement
– undertake planning process
– undertake all aspects of construction to completion
– undertake sales process

Investment Partner:
– fund all activities
– finder fees
– legal fees
– planning process
– land purchase
– construction costs
Why choose us?
HallMark Construction & Development management team has a wealth of construction and development experience and expertise, together with a loyal quality workforce. The company works together with a team of professional architects, engineers and surveyors, and is LABC approved, Trustmark registered and a member of the Federation of Master Builders. HC&D undertakes all aspects of construction from new builds to extensions as a main contractor on residential or commercial properties for private clients and developers.
HallMark Construction & Development currently has an evolving list of opportunities to evaluate for appraisal:
Horsley – Option agreement to replace one for two
Cobham – Option agreement to replace one for two
Farnham – Option agreement to replace one for two
Weybridge – Option agreement to replace two for six
Sutton – Joint Venture agreement to replace one for five flats
Emsworth – Joint Venture agreement to build two in rear garden

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Contact Us
07508 889 590

We are an accredited member of the Federation of Master Builders and Trustmark endorsed.